Dr. Liya Levanda, PsyD is a licensed clinical psychologist in the state of California (PSY35281). She is most known for her work on Jewish clinical issues. Both a lifelong learner and a natural educator, she quickly found her passion in helping others through clinical work as well as through training.

She completed her undergraduate education at Sonoma State University in the heart of Wine Country in California. There, she earned her Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Psychology and minored in Sociology. She also spent her undergraduate years working for Hillel, the Jewish student union, doing educational programming on topics such as antisemitism. When she asked her psychology professors when the class would learn the content in the unread book chapters in their textbooks, she was told that those topics would be addressed in grad school. So with that, she went on to complete both her Master of Arts (MA) and Doctor of Psychology (PsyD) degrees with the APA-Accredited California School of Professional Psychology in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Dr. Levanda’s clinical training has spanned from 2-year and 4-year college counseling centers to outpatient Medi-Cal clinics and hospitals. She completed her internship at the San Marcos campus of the California State University system, and completed her postdoctoral residency with Kaiser Permanente, a major healthcare corporation.

The bicultural daughter of immigrants, and the granddaughter and great-granddaughter of Holocaust survivors and victims alike, Dr. Levanda lives her American Dream thanks to the hard work and sacrifices of her family. Her work and life is in honor of them, and they are what drives her passion and authenticity for what she does.

Dr. Levanda’s note on Judaism and Psychology

One of Judaism’s core values is called Tikkun Olam— repairing the world.

Tikkun Olam embodies the Jewish concept of social action and responsibility, emphasizing the collective efforts to contribute positively to the betterment of society, advocating for justice, compassion, and the pursuit of a harmonious world.

When I was younger, I believed that everyone has within them their unique gift to make the world a better place. For me, it’s been psychology. Tikkun Olam is what initially ignited, and continues to fuel, my passion for the work I do. Whether it’s through therapy, mentorship, or teaching; my interpretation of Tikkun Olam seeks to mend the broken pieces within each person, ultimately contributing to the collective repair of the world's well-being.