Applying to Internship

Applying to internship can be one of the most stressful parts of earning a doctorate in psychology. With this workshop, trainees don’t have to do it alone.

With internship applications being such an inherently stressful process, we aim to reduce some of the stress of the unknown by taking a crash course on what to expect. This comprehensive seminar takes trainees through every step of the application process, from selecting sites to writing your essays to preparing for interviews. This workshop can help with more thoughtful site selection, more interview offers, and better results of the match. To give trainees the best chance possible, this course can help them learn to navigate the process like a professional.

  • I had the opportunity to attend Dr. Levanda’s internship application workshop before applying to APA-accredited internships last year. Dr. Levanda thoroughly laid out the entire internship application and interview process with a level of detail and usefulness that I did not find in any other resource. Like many other students, I was very anxious to begin the internship application process. I came away from her workshop feeling like I had a solid understanding and roadmap for applying to an internship, and as a result, I felt much calmer and more confident throughout the process. Harnessing Dr. Levanda’s advice was invaluable for my applications, and I credit her workshop as a significant contributor to my success during this process. I was fortunate enough to be offered interviews with multiple sites and ultimately matched with my first choice. In addition to being incredibly knowledgeable about the internship process, Dr. Levanda approaches this very stressful topic with kindness and compassion; she is skilled at connecting with her audience and making students feel comfortable asking questions and expressing concerns. I cannot recommend Dr. Levanda’s internship workshop enough; I think all psychology students seeking an internship should have the opportunity to learn from her.

    C., Practicum Student